Religious education
Meaning of Life KS3 RE WHOLE UNIT
This unit explores the meaning of life for religious and non-religious people. Includes lessons, worksheets, topic matt and assessment. Used it with my Y8s RE classes.
Christianity topic KS3
A series of lessons on Christianity for KS3 students. Includes lessons, SOW, worksheets and assessment task.
Rites of Passage/Stages of life KS3 TOPIC
A unit of work on rites of passage/stages of life. Includes lessons, worksheets, SOW and assessment on marriage. You could adapt the resources to fit your lessons.
Humanists and the environment KS3 RE
A lesson on Humanists and the environment. Lesson explores humanist views on the world and looking at the big bang theory as well. Students also explore the work of the zoologist, Sir Julian Huxley a humanist who helped set up London zoo. Sheets are also provided with the information . A variety of activities for students to complete and choose from.
Hinduism KS3 complete topic
Whole topic on Hinduism. Contains lessons, worksheets and assessment and sow. Lessons could be adapted to suit your needs.
Inspirational People KS3 topic RE
A topic on different inspirational people that I used with my Y8s during our RE lessons. Contains different worksheets, lesson ppts, topic mats and assessment. Could be adapted to suit your needs.
AQA GCSE Christian beliefs exam practice and tips
A ppt that focuses on exam practice of for Christian Beliefs for the AQA exam board. Many examples for 1,2,4,5 and 12 marks questions. Model answers with instructions are included to help students to structure their answers. Answers are included as well. Based on the revision guide textbook.
Cover lesson on A Rocha: A Christian environmental organisation
A cover lesson I used for my Y7 while I was away that day. Students look at the environment topic and the religious attitudes. Specific lesson is focusing on the Christian environmental group A Rocha and their work. Students will need to access laptops/computers to complete the lesson. Worked really well for my mixed ability groups!!! Starter can be skipped if you do not have the Directions 1 textbooks. Could be adapted to fit your needs if you cannot access laptops/computer room for the students. I have attached also the template for the newspaper article.
Judaism Topic KS3
A series of lesson on Judaism for KS3. Contains SOW, lessons with worksheets and assessment.
Christian aid and Tearfund (Lesson on charities)
A lesson I created on the two Christian charities, Christian Aid and Tearfund. Lesson is looking at the difference between short-term aid and long-term aid and the work of these two charities. I used this lesson as part of the Wealth and Poverty topic with my Y8. Differentiated activities. I have also included the worksheet with the information.
Black History Month: Indian and African culture (RE lessons)
Few ppts I used with my students for our enhancement day on the Black History Month from an RE perspective. Contains 2 ppts (one for Indian and one for African culture), a short quiz and instructions.
Christianity in the 21st century KS3 RE
A series of lessons on Christianity in the 21st century. Contains lessons, worksheets, SOW and assessment. Used it with my Y8s.
11 Full topics for KS3 RE. Contains a variety of topics including 6 topics for the 6 major religions and many more e.g meaning of life, rites of passage etc…
The topics contain full lessons, SOW, worksheets and assessment opportunities.
RE Display for Open Evening
A display I created for open evening for my school for the RS department. It shows a brief symmary of what the students are studying in Year 7. Could be adapted to suit your needs based on the topics you are teaching.
Buddhism topic KS3
A series of lessons on Buddhism including SOW, assessment question and worksheets for KS3 students.
Islam KS3 topic
A series of lessons on Islam including lessons, worksheets, SOW and assessment task. Suitable for KS3 students.
Sikhism Topic KS3
A series of lessons on Sikhism including lessons, SOW, worksheets and assessment task. Suitable for KS3 students.
A bundle that contains topics for the 6 major religions for KS3. Lessons, SOW and assessments and worksheets.
Rites of Passage Ks3 Assessment
An assessment for Ks3 on the topic of Rites of Passage. Includes question on Hinduism, Sikhism and Judaism. You can adapt it to fit the content you have taught. Includes a mark scheme as well.
Essay structure for Y8 Hinduism (Rama and Sita assessment on the importance of Hindu Marriage)
An essay structure sheet I used it with my Y8 low ability group, who were struggling on how to structure the essay. The sheet focuses on the importance of Hindu marriage, looking at the story of Rama and Sita.